Current Affairs Feed

"In a town with only one industry, reducing government is a sacrilegious act."

Jonathan Turley:

Thomas Paine once remarked, “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.” With the approaching 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, much has clearly changed.

Very much related: "What’s happening in DC right now is what an actual transfer of power looks like", "Fear and Loathing on Kalorama Heights", and "The impossibly rich lifestyle of DC liberals, funded by YOU the taxpayer, without your consent or approval".

"Well what do you know?"

An argument that some recent government economic statistics have been misleading.

What we uncovered shocked us. The bottom line is that, for 20 years or more, including the months prior to the election, voter perception was more reflective of reality than the incumbent statistics. Our research revealed that the data collected by the various agencies is largely accurate. Moreover, the people staffing those agencies are talented and well-intentioned. But the filters used to compute the headline statistics are flawed. As a result, they paint a much rosier picture of reality than bears out on the ground.

See also "Taking a Second Look at the Vibecession Argument".