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March 2022

"Eponymous Laws Part I: Laws of the Internet"

Some clever and some I had not heard before. Three examples:

Shaker’s Law of Departure – “Those who egregiously announce their imminent departure from an Internet discussion forum almost never actually leave.”

Shank’s Law – “There is no idea so batshit insane that you can’t find at least one PhD scientist to support it.”

John Gabriel’s Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory – Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad

And one I had and still like:

Brandolini’s Law - "The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude larger than to produce it."

I can recommend, "Eponymous Laws Part 3: Miscellaneous," too.

A note to my readers

I apologize for the delay in my Monday and Tuesday posts. I was, and am, ill. But the rest of this week's posts are done and ready to be put up on schedule using this wonderful Typepad software. I hope for no further (at least no further unannounced) delays.