"A top researcher says it's time to rethink our entire approach to preschool"
February 28, 2022
Oops: another place where "settled science" has become a little . . . unsettled.
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Oops: another place where "settled science" has become a little . . . unsettled.
It would be nice to think so. But I think the intermediate to long-run future will be determined by which is faster and larger: the improvement of technology making things better versus the strong tendency of Big Government to make things worse.
As the Church Lady (probably) would have said, "Isn't that special?"
There's sad. There's really sad. Then there's this.
How the zeal for government project housing killed a prosperous black community in Detroit.
By Eva Moskowitz, who has done more for New York City than thousands of politicians.
The people implementing such a tax probably remembered a fundamental finding of economics: if you raise the price of something, other things equal, they will consume less. But they probably forgot another part of that same finding: those people will substitute into other goods.
See also "Seattle’s Nanny-State Soda Tax Backfired Spectacularly (And Hilariously) New Study Shows".
The truth, belatedly, outs.
One of Nature's wonders.
Thanks, but I'll take a hard pass on the "the 91-degree . . . 206-foot drop".
As Eddie Murphy once cracked, "The key to life is a healthy colon."