"Amazon scams are up 500% — how to spot the red flags"
January 26, 2022
As Sgt. Esterhaus on Hill Street Blues used to say: "And Hey! . . . let's be careful out there."
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As Sgt. Esterhaus on Hill Street Blues used to say: "And Hey! . . . let's be careful out there."
A theory I had not seen before.
“Let me explain it to you in guy-speak.” (I love it when the missus is pedantic.) “The Pill affects a woman’s natural factory settings on choosing a man. The Pill pharmacologically induces women to favor the Mangina as a date and as a mate.”
I, too, fear the awesome power of the kinahura. I sure hope Republicans take this warning to heart.
What I've thought for a while now:
Double standards — without them, the left wouldn’t have any standards at all.
What are these elected chief prosecutors thinking when they unilaterally decide not to enforce the law? And why, even as murders increase in the big cities they police, do they continue to support these policies without shame?
First-person account from someone who works in Big Tech.
An example of the market rising to the occasion.
In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the kids don’t read. In time surveys, they report spending just 14 percent of an hour — eight point four minutes! — reading for personal interest a day.
Given how our leaders have generally performed for the last few years, this isn't surprising.
Fine piece by Veronique de Rugy. Reminds me of the old joke whose punchline was "Who's we, Kemo Sabe?"