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January 2017

"Salad: The Silent Killer?"

You just knew this was coming:

That’s it, folks. There’s nothing left to eat. With news this week that salad may be hazardous to your health, it’s clear we all need to stop eating altogether.

Let’s face it, food is a killer. . . .

Despite all the schizophrenic diet advice consumers hear on a daily basis, one thing has remained consistent: vegetables are good for you. But no more. Now, salad’s a killer. According to a new “study” (produced by researcher who must have looked around and said, “There’s nothing left to demonize! How will I make a name for myself?”), salad is making you feel anxious, depressed, and unable to fall asleep, among other disturbing outcomes.

"Hard work, God and Carl’s Jr."

The American Dream is alive and well for at least some people.

In 1984, I immigrated to Los Angeles from Honduras. Next month, I will pay off my home in Santa Clarita.

The American Dream is not dead.

My first job upon arrival was working at the salad bar at Carl’s Jr. I spoke no English and earned $3.35 an hour. Little did I know at the time, I’d spend the next 28 years of my life with that company, moving through the ranks of crew person, assistant manager, general manager, district manager and finally director of operations for the Los Angeles market. I finally left to take a senior management position at Blaze Pizza in 2014.

"The Real Motivation Behind the Left’s “Niceness”"

About time somebody wrote this:

Today, in Britain as in America, the nice-ocracy simply shrugs as the struggling classes make terrible decisions. Who are we to impose our values on others, ask the nice-ocrats? Isn’t this or that regional patois just as good as standard English? If children in the poorer zip codes are getting a terrible education, the nice-ocrats don’t make a fuss. People are intelligent in their own ways, say the nice-ocrats. If testing doesn’t support this, we should cast doubt on the tests. Anyway, if the not-so-gifted people raise not-so-gifted children, there won’t be additional competition for those few spots on the best campuses. At Dartmouth, Yale and Princeton, there are more students from the top one-percent of the income scale than the bottom 60 percent. The nice-ocracy smiles and says, “Yes, but we voted for slightly higher taxes last time. Surely the poor unfortunates will see a bump in their welfare checks soon. Now excuse me, I have to take Emmett to his viola lesson and then his SAT tutor.”