"Maddog's Lair"
"Why Jennifer Aniston Is The World’s Most Beautiful Woman (To Women)"

Truth leaks into the New York Times

I blame the editors. Somebody is allowing pieces to mention things contrary to the Approved Narrative.

Example #1:

She [Tara Houska, a tribal lawyer and a member of the Couchiching First Nation in Canada] also said that those who clung to family lore — of, say, being part Cherokee on their mother’s side — had experiences profoundly different from those who actually lived the Native American life, whether on or off a reservation.

Do my eyes deceive me or this a little dig at Elizabeth Warren?

Example #2:

. . . Ms. Zeisler fears, is that the revolution has become privatized: In her view, feminists today are all about the right to make individual choices — any choices, choices that may be wholly estranged from the original objectives of feminism, which once meant collective action to change whole systems.

Really? Really? Feminism wasn't about empowering women to make their own choices? You could have fooled me.
