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May 2016

"It’s like a Saturday Night Live skit"

Ladies and gentlemen, California's government, doing what it does: "Beyond Boondoggle: California High-Speed Rail Delayed 4 Years".

See also John Fund, "High-Speed Rail Is a Fast Train to Fiscal Ruin, in California and Elsewhere".

The first segment of track will run from Madera to Bakersfield, a stretch that fewer than 3 percent of the line’s potential ridership can use. It is essentially a train from nowhere to nowhere, ridden by almost no one.

"More Men With Early Prostate Cancer Are Choosing to Avoid Treatment"

Interesting. Especially this:

In recent years, major research organizations have begun to recommend active surveillance, which for years had been promoted mostly by academic urologists in major medical centers, but not by urologists in private practice, who treat most men.

Trust the academics or the private practice folks?

And then there's Instapundit's comment: "I'm not saying this is a bad idea, but I'm suspicious they only started touting stuff like this once Obamacare passed."