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October 2015

"Faking it When Congress can’t find real money to pay for laws, it turns to gimmicks. A guide to the top offenders."

Some important things to look for, now that the "mother of all budget deals" is in prospect.

Related: the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget concludes, "Too Many Gimmicks, Too Few Reforms". Veronique de Rugy: "The Budget Deal Has No Pretense of Fiscal Responsibility Whatsoever".

"These studies hold extraordinary promise, but they are virtually impossible to achieve under the government’s current regulations."

Vincent DeVita, former director of the National Cancer Institute and the Amy and Joseph Perella Professor of Medicine at Yale Cancer Center and Yale School of Medicine, and Elizabeth DeVita Raeburn, decry our current drug regulations.

Related: "The Economic Proof That The FDA's Drug Regulation Makes Us All Poorer".