News from Baghdad by the Bay
April 29, 2014
As usual, a public employee union doesn't seem to worry at all about who will have to pay the bill:
From fighting Google buses to protesting Ellis Act evictions, San Francisco's 9,475-member Service Employees International Union local has been leading the campaign for a more livable city. Now it's putting its members' own economic agenda front and center at City Hall.
The SEIU's proposed new contract with the city includes calls for:
-- A 15 percent raise over the next three years.
-- A $21-an-hour minimum wage for all city workers.
-- Fully paid health coverage for single workers, 98 percent paid coverage for couples and 85 percent coverage for families.
-- A free clinic just for city workers to go along with the health coverage.
-- A free $50,000 life insurance policy for SEIU workers. Seven other city unions already have free life insurance.