Laugh or cry, you decide
April 28, 2014
Some of the things people think about in the United States of America, 2014:
"Students Demand Acknowledgement of Robert E. Lee's 'Racist and Dishonorable Conduct'".
"You Can Call a Man Fat But You Can’t Fat-Shame Him".
"It’s Official: At Dartmouth, The Word ‘Fiesta’ Is Racist And White People Can’t Use It".
"Loaded language: The gun metaphors that pervade our everyday slang".
"Why Are There No Butch Lesbians on Television?"
"Activists: De Blasio picks ‘not diverse enough’".
"The Troubling Power of Romantic Comedies".
"Stall Tactics: Getting It On in Restaurant Restrooms Is More Common Than You Think".
Finally, A. A. Gill tries, very hard, to explain why the rich spend lots of money: "Perfection Anxiety".