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July 2007

"New research shows that modest lifestyle changes, even when made in mid-life, can provide dramatic health benefits, including reduced risk for cardiovascular disease and death."

Another key might be--as economist Art DeVany has repeatedly written--keeping your blood sugar and insulin down.

Finally, another key might be--if you do get sick--to be aggressive in seeking the best possible treatment, regardless of what your doctor may recommend.

Clearly, a Nobel Prize in Economics is in the offing

This year's race for the Nobel Prize in Economics is over. Robert Mugabe will win.

. . . water shortages have worsened because of pump breakdowns, and a senior government official said kidney patients were dying for lack of dialysis machines.

The official Herald newspaper reported that Mugabe told a meeting of local council members that they should put more pressure on government ministers to improve services.

"Where money for projects has not been found, we will print it," Mugabe was quoted as saying.